Monday, October 16, 2006


Firstly Mom in JHB and we having a lot of chill time and so nice!
Went off to Bloem this weekend (1000 km traveled this weekend) where we celebrated my Granddad’s 79th BIRTHDAY! Saturday was BIG BIG BIG BUILD UP to the Final Game being played in Bloemfontein! The spirit in the city was AMAZING, everyone had flags up outside their homes, cars, businesses and everyone wore Orange, painted faces and cars! Was cool and exciting, never seen this before!
The Game was awesome and we were a nice crowd at my Aunt and Uncles home. I have never really cheered in a game as much as I did on Saturday (my voice was gone)! The result of the game was mixed emotion, but rather a draw than a loss!
My cousin Andrew and I hit the party sense very late and had a awesome adventure together, we really “KUIER-erd” Lekker together! Saw Marzaan and had a jol with her too! And i had drinks with the CHEETAH TEAM Yeah yeah yeah but no photographic evidence :(
We only got home in the wee hours on Sunday morning around 4-ish?
WAS COOL THO AND REALLY HAD A GREAT TIME! (we even for some reason brought a Big drum home? See pic)
Sunday Lunch / Breakfast with family and mom drove home (thnx cos I would not have made it was a lil tired)
Got home in time for Survivor, read a lil and went to bed very early!

Andrew Lucas good to have you back in SA, we should hook up so I can see all the pics and my pressie from Thailand!
Mwah all have a great week! Need to get to work! :)


  1. Glad you were kept occupied by some of the cousins... the other two were on a diffrent mission!

  2. JA NEE Gaan hulle NOOIT vergewe nie! :(
    Ah well i dnt blame them im not the pretty cousin
