Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tonite = DvD NiGhT :0)

So finally BORAT is available at the DVD Store (yes yes I know)

But I really want to see what it is all about!

You know you need to see the good the bad and the ugly to be really objective will let you know what I thin tomo


  1. Anonymous28.3.07

    Borat is a waist of time

  2. Anonymous4.4.07

    Listen LOSER FACE, you ovisouly lack a sense of humour.
    Yeah, you probably reign from Vokkolville, where cropping your own veggies is what you do for entertainment.

    Thank goodness you stayed anonymous!! I'm not in a very good mood today.

    Also, learn how to spell you idiot.
    It's WASTE, that is DOUBLE U, AY, ES, TEE, EEE - dork.

    CC movie night was great, even though we were a little late, what's new =)

    Love house mating with you =)

