Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Gotta love some of the things people have to mention in their status via TWITTER and FACEBOOK.

From silly things like “I HATE THE WORLD”, “I cant get enough of you baby”, “Gym was GREAT”, “I’m hungover”, “is thinking what if this is it” and then the totally random “…”

If I was updateing my facebook this morning this is how it would be:

Cant get out of bed – please can I stay and cuddle.

Hate not doing grocery shopping and expecting to see food in the fridge.

So nothing fits me anymore – need to lose weight or get new cloaths.

Just got paid :)

Just paid everything and averyone that needed to be paid.

Im soooooo broke :(

Stuck in traffic.

No tea in the office and milk is sour :(

Off to meeting – all good.

Sent CV’s to client and can now start all over again.

Should start writing my report, but addicted to the www and need to get some surfing in.

Ok its 10 am need to try and get some coffee.

All of this just in 2 hours???
That is why I do not update my status all the time :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Today I am back at the office after yet another relaxing weekend on the coast.
I have realized that there are a few words that I really should stop using, not only the swear-words but words like SO, YEAH and the all confusing JA-NEE. This weekend I listened to a friend of my saying that he hated the word “so” and dumped his one gf because she said it too (SO) often. I thought it was (SO) silly till I realized I said SO (SO very much) often. (SO) My mission for this week is to (SO) get over the word and use it for what it is was meant for. This will be (SO) fun to see if I can actually change my habit of speaking – as I (SO) often speak hehehe.
(SO) Watch this space and I will give some feedback on my progress.

(Please note all the SO’s added in the above text is where I would SO probably use them)

Drink like a fish???

I never understood this term really - but this weekend I drank a FISHBOWL and now I understand the term.

Fishbowls are meant for fishes or people that drink like fishes :)

Friday, April 24, 2009



1. Go and see a comedy show
(Good for the mind and soul as for a few hours you can just laugh at others and forget about your problems)

2. Take a trip to the coast at least once a year
(Fresh air will do you good)

3. Read books about fairies, gremlins and anything magical
(They open the mind to imagination)

4. Write a journal in your own words.
(Keepsake for when you are older and can no longer remember what you got up to)

5. Act like a monkey every now and again - just let loose

Dear Diary,

So started this game plan of mine, the six simple steps to a better me 

• Registered for the B.Com officially start in July with my 2 modules
• Tried to study and will continue next week again.
• Changes my attitude at work and IT WORKED – Actually got allot done today.
• Did the Budget and will be buying my plane ticket on the 31st of August
• Creating a wall of photography next weekend – just need to buy frames this weekend on the coast and maybe take some photographs too.
• Last night met up with friends in Sales and gave me some advice to keep your chin up and to work smart.

So far so good – I actually think that anything is possible if you REALLY put your heart and soul into it.
It’s all about the blood, sweat and tears!

Also wanted to add this to the list - GET OUT THE HOUSE MORE!

Toodles off to the coast to soak up some winter sun!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Making a change...

Sooooooooooooooo it’s back at the office today.

Been thinking allot about studies and where I want to be in next few years.
Do I want to be rich, do I want to be famous or do I want to do something different???

I have had this idea of going overseas since well I was in school – to see the world and gain international exposure.
Lately I have just felt a little stuck in one place, yet I have made so many changes.
My theory is growing stronger and stronger each day if you don’t change the feeling you have inside, you will never feel complete – NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE! Even if I sold everything, packed my bags and jetted off – I still would not be entirely complete!

My mission is to truly discover a passion this year, been difficult as I have so many. I love to create things, from beading a necklace, to redoing and old shirt. I want to be creative every day. I want to be outside and souk up the sun and air. I want to be ME – is that such a bad thing.
I want to own my own company – I WANT TO ADD TO MY COUNTRY! I want to create opportunities for others… I want to make a difference.

So yeah not allot of time I have given myself to make this DIFFERENCE.
Have devised a plan for now just a simple 6 step process… to see if I can do this… I have 7 months to do these 6 steps! Sounds easy???

1.Complete Short Course in HR (May)

2.Register for B.Com and complete 2 Modules (Going to need this in the future) – (June – Dec)

3.Do well in my current job and change the “attitude” (NOW)

4.Go on that all important holiday and soak in all the INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL one can do in a week. (Dec)

5.Be more positive with what I have – create at home by redoing some of the furniture, clothes, desks, canvasses whatever I can get my hands on. You don’t need to buy all the special equipment and gadgets just yet. Create with what you got is more exciting! (NOW)

6.Interact with people who are doing well in their lives and get advice – might not own the company now but can find advice on building that stepping stone. (NOW!)

Seven months it is and counting – let’s see what happens!
HAPPINESS IS HERE AGAIN – I actually feel more positive just writing down my plans!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Me, me and me :)

This is a picture I took with my cell phone in Feb 2009 - Really think this is one of my better pics taken. - LOVE BLACK AND WHITE!
So wanted to write more about me me me as I love myself and not ashamed of it :)
My teachers always said you must love yourself before you can love others, I battled allot with truly loving myself in the past... But now I have no problems!

Here is a few things about me you might not have known:

• I am afraid of frogs – so much so that I will burst into tears!
• I love tea and feel it is a treat to have someone make it for me.
• I have never collected anything in my life before (seriously NOTHING).
• I am fascinated by various religions and finding out more about them.
• I always worry about what people think of me because I care what they think of me.
• If I had my life over I would have studied harder, partied harder and be more adventurous.
• I spend most of my day behind a desk and can keep myself entertained for hours.
• Chocolates are part of my daily diet 
• I could live without a phone of pc – but need to have ppl around me.
• Secretly I wish I was famous.
• I don’t like makeup, but feel I have to wear it.
• I have bad habits I can’t get rid of, watch too much TV and chew nails.
• I have blue eyes, naturally brown hair and am considered short.
• I hate talking about other people or gossiping but tend to do it allot.
• I have a creative nature and love trying new things.

Ok thats enough now :)

Shaping my tomorrow…

I have registered to vote and ready to shape my tomorrow by making my X.
It is the first time I am voting and so excited.
I have it within my power to make a say for what I believe in and what I want my country to be.

– Vote for who you believe will make this place better for all of us.
Shaping my tomorrow, your tomorrow and our tomorrow together

Monday, April 20, 2009


(This picture was taken in December 2006 with my camera I got for Xmas)

Got to love the magestic image of it, so delicate yet so hard with the thorns and hight.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekend baby :)

yeah yeah yeah so its the weekend (finally)!
So dont have that much planned for the weekend except for watching some sport, going round to the hockey to support, 21st birthday dress up party (im going as Marge Simpson), chill and hopefully get some studying done.
So all be safe and will be back blogging on Monday about the weekend.



Last night was very weird wrt my dreams.
Must be that I watched Fringe or something but kept on dreaming that I was locked in a tnnel with limited air to breath. I became a pale and sad person???
WEIRD WEIRD - But it must be Fringe.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


So stumbled onto this photgrapher Sean Brand this week.
He took amazing photo's at the Coke Zero Festival 2009 I attended this weekend.
Have contacted him and convinced him to get a BLOG :) to showcase his work.


• Reach work target.
• Have a romantic weekend (Easter Weekend)
• Study for exams daily!
• Register for BCOM (R900)
• Go to gym at least 4 times a week
• Loose 3 kg’s
• Eat healthier (Drink more water / NO TAKE AWAYS)
• Save money around the house / saving electricity etc.


So it has been a while since I have been able to blog...
Just been doing allot of thinking and thought I better start blogging again :)

So... IM BACK!
Whoop whoop here is a toast to Claudette being back and blogging again!