Gotta love some of the things people have to mention in their status via TWITTER and FACEBOOK.
From silly things like “I HATE THE WORLD”, “I cant get enough of you baby”, “Gym was GREAT”, “I’m hungover”, “is thinking what if this is it” and then the totally random “…”
If I was updateing my facebook this morning this is how it would be:
Cant get out of bed – please can I stay and cuddle.
Hate not doing grocery shopping and expecting to see food in the fridge.
So nothing fits me anymore – need to lose weight or get new cloaths.
Just got paid :)
Just paid everything and averyone that needed to be paid.
Im soooooo broke :(
Stuck in traffic.
No tea in the office and milk is sour :(
Off to meeting – all good.
Sent CV’s to client and can now start all over again.
Should start writing my report, but addicted to the www and need to get some surfing in.
Ok its 10 am need to try and get some coffee.
All of this just in 2 hours???
That is why I do not update my status all the time :)
Busy busy busy