Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Lessons Learnt

I missed out on writing Lessons Learnt as it was a Public Holiday – must say we are really spoilt in South Africa with all the holidays we get. Was a nice relaxing day with me doing as little as possible. I thought about what to write in the Lessons Learnt section and thought this week I would write about WORK and the lessons I have learnt.
I have been working since high-school doing part time jobs and worked full time after school, I have worked for different companies and with so many different people that I think in the last 6 years I have learnt a great deal about myself, what to do and WHAT NOT to do!

Always Be honest.
There is a old saying that I love – Honestly is the best policy.
I have always tried to be as honest as possible, it is not always easy, but easier than lying.
You can have peace in your heart that you were honest, admit you messed up and move forward.

This is a very valuable lesson I have learnt, there are always going to be two-faced people, people you do not get along with or people who want to ruin you. You have to face up to it and get through it. You will be fine, but remember in every company there are people like this and you cannot escape it.

Yes, we all hate working sometimes. We feel that it is draining our lives etc. But always try and do your best. It saves time as you would not have to redo too much, you will be proud and will know you gave your all. You can always see how you need to improve etc.

People think that being 5 min late that no one will notice. In fact people do notice a GREAT DEAL! I remember at the one company I worked for I was always on time or early. I mean deadly punctual, one day I was 10 min late, everyone noticed, but my boss was nice about it and said no worries. I could be late at least one a week for a year and he did not mind. I set the foundation that I was always early from the start – good habit!

THINK before you SPEAK
We all sit in those boring meetings and people speak the whole time, no relevant information and generally waste people’s time. I always hope that oeioke would really think before they speak – to save everyone some time.

DO LUNCH – Really go out with co-workers, meet up with friends but get out of the office.
Even if you go and sit at another desk – get a proper break and get away from your office.
I tend to sit and chat and not really eat my meal, but at least you can be social and forget about work for one those few minutes.

This is one thing that drives me crazy – a messy desk is not a nice thing to see.
If you can thrive in mess than its ok, but make your desk neat and tidy before you leave at the end of the day.
I remember one co-worker being sick on day, her desk was a mess, I had to look for a file on her desk, when I was looking for it I found personal documents, half eaten candy and a ants nest on her desk. IT WAS A SCARY DESK!

You really don’t know who you might need in the future, so always leave a company with dignity and be civil of not nice.
You will need your pass employers as referees and you can’t ruin a relationship that could cost you a future job.

You might not have the greatest salary in the world, but be thankful for your job.
There are so many people out there who have NOTHING, who have just lost jobs or can’t find jobs. Be thankful for the little cubical you might have, the salary you get, the co-workers and a BOSS!

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