Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Gotta love this idea…

(I have been spoilt with Matthew being here to visit)

The girls at the office call him my “House Husband”


I think it’s a brilliant concept, better than having a maid!

He makes the beds, washes the dishes, vacuums, sweeps out the house, hoes out and pays the bills and even hangs up the washing!


It is a absolute pleasure to have him here… THANKS BABE! U DA BEST!… As Althea would say “YOU ROCK DUDE!”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4.4.07

    Yup Matt face I gotta agree, we appreciate having you around =)

    No normal guy would hang up girls washing & clean up after their asses.

    Thank you Matthew!

    * bows *

    We owe you BIG TIME.

    ... What's that I hear about McDonalds ... =) =)

    CC, my dude, we have the greatest guys!
    We are far too spoilt, not that I'm complianing =)

    Gent faces of ours, just know we so grateful for everything!!
    Matt & John -> You dudes rock!!

    [As do we CC] =) =) =)

